30-day Thanksgiving Challenge

October 24, 2011

Written By:
Ryan Vet

If you are reading this article right now you should be thankful. That means you have a computer or a smartphone, you have access to the internet, you are literate, you can use a computer…

Very rarely do we stop to count our blessings. It is so easy to complain when something is slightly off in our world, yet we rarely give people due praise when they do something well. In general, it is fairly safe to say that most of us are not as thankful as we should be.

We are thirty days away from Thanksgiving, a national holiday where people get together, usually as families, eat copious amounts of food, watch a football game and then go on a shopping rampage on Friday. While that is all fun and good, we tend to skip over the “Giving Thanks” part of Thanksgiving.

So here is my simple challenge.

Every day for the next 30-days, write one thing down you are thankful for on a note card or a small piece of paper. It can be a detailed paragraph or a simple word, name or phrase. Once you have done that, drop it into a shoebox. If you feel inspired, write more than one notecard each day.

That’s a simple task. Here is the part of the challenge that is slightly more difficult. Everyday for the next 30-days, tell someone, “Thank You.” There are many different ways to say thank you. You can do something as simple as thanking someone as they hold a door for you. Maybe you want to write someone a letter or sit someone down and let them know that you appreciate them. Whatever it is you do, be sure that you thank at least one person every day during this challenge.

By the time Thanksgiving roles around, you should have a minimum of 30 cards each saying something you are thankful for. Additionally, you will have thanked at least 30 people and in that way touched 30 different lives by giving them a bit of encouragement that they ordinarily may not have received.

On Thanksgiving morning, after the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade and before your turkey is finished cooking, get that shoebox and start flipping through all of the things you are thankful for. Take a moment and reflect on all that you have been given.

Do you accept the 30-day Thanksgiving Challenge?

Celebrate this year’s Thanksgiving holiday by being truly grateful for all that we have and are blessed with! If you are willing to be a part of this challenge, comment below saying, “I’m in!” and include one thing you are thankful for, then pass it on!


Use #30daythanks when talking about the challenge on Twitter!

Ryan Vet

Thanks for stopping by my blog! A bit about me, I’m an entreprenuer, author
and speaker. This gives me the opportunity to travel the globe. Plus, I get to host a TV series called Sip’d and I’m a Sommelier and wine enthusiast.

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